💰Product Monetization

Our priority is to create a collaborative gaming environment where new players can discover and learn how to use blockchain technology in a fun way. This environment must also allow more experienced players to express their skills in an environment where strategy and optimization are the keys to success during the tournaments. That's why we implemented an ecosystem based on pre-existing uses to facilitate the game's adoption.


We offer our users the opportunity to play for free and earn rewards. Some of these rewards require the creation or association of a Wallet to redeem but Anazir can automatically create one for you. Once converted, the user has access to the full Play to Earn experience and tournaments.


Anazir's revenues come from several sources:

Transaction tax

ANZ 4.96% Transaction tax on the sale of $ANZ

4,68% Transaction tax on the sale of NFT

Usage :

  • 30% of the tax will be used to reward stakers

  • 70% of the tax will be used to increase the value of the token holders

Last updated